In a dystopian society where the state has the power to determine who can and cannot father children, four men attend a government-sanctioned retreat in the remote mountains of California. When they show up at the site, only to find no guide or instructions, they are left to their own devices and must prove to themselves—and each other—that they have what it takes to become fathers.
Daddy is a collision of genres: a dark comedy, social satire, and thriller that takes on the absurdity and toxicity of modern masculinity and the incurable society that enables it.
Inspired by the confusion, isolation and existential nature of our current era, Daddy is set in a world not unlike ours - one of false climaxes, paranoid conspiracies, and ridiculous, dangerous men
Directed by: Jono Sherman & Neal Kelley
Produced by: Sophia Kalin & Albee Zhang
Written by: Jono Sherman & Neal Kelley
Cinematographer: Bryce Holden
Produced by: Sophia Kalin & Albee Zhang
Written by: Jono Sherman & Neal Kelley
Cinematographer: Bryce Holden
Editor: Mitch Martin
Asst. Editor: Kate Dixon
Asst. Editor: Kate Dixon
Yuriy Sardarov
Jacqueline Toboni
Pomme Koch
Neal Kelley
Jono Sherman
Yuriy Sardarov
Jacqueline Toboni
Pomme Koch
Neal Kelley
Jono Sherman